We wish you a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New
Sammlerring Australia e.V.
The Sammlerring Australia is
a working and research
association. It was founded
on the 27th of September,
1986, in Düsseldorf. We are
a Registered Society
recorded at...
The Sammlerring Australia
e.V. regularly publishes a
newsletter, the Bumerang”
(mainly in German) It
appears four times annually,
with current news from the
Collectors Circle and
a variety of relevant articles.
Copies of previous issues
can be obtained at cost.
about us
our newsletter
© Copyright Sammlerring Australia e.V. 2018
Sammlerring Australia e.V.
Arbeits und Forschungsgemeinschaft
foundet 1986
Current News:
The AGM 2023 took place as always on Ascension Day, from 18.5.2023 -
21.05.2023 in the Hotel Sandkrug, in 31629 Estorf.
It had been as always a friendly get-together with good conversations, and
professional discussions. Of course, as always, a great stamp exchange took place
and we could also welcome 2 guests.
The next annual meeting will take place in 1924 on Ascension Day (09. -12.05
2024) in the Hotel Schatzstein in Elterlein (Saxony).
BrusdenWhite Decimals Catalogue Third Edition 2021 and 2022
Following Ben Palmer’s seminal work on the pre-U.P.U.
destination mail of Victoria published by the Study circle in
2009, this new work provides a similar census of the
Queensland mails up to 1891, but also includes similar
coverage of all the important inland and intercolonial mails.
Pre-stamp entires and the use of New South Wales stamps
in the Moreton Bay District are also similarly treated. An
extensive 60-page Appendix provides all available
information on postal rates to all countries up to 1891.
Hardbound with Dust Jacket, 360 A4 pages in colour.
Limited availablity while stock lasts, AU$180 plus shipping.
Australian States Federal Period, 1901-1912
Second Edition - 2023
352 A4 pages in full colour
Price, AU$165 plus postage
This new edition updates the previous 2004 edition that was
included in the Kangaroos 4th edition, and is in the new full
colour A4 format. All the listings and prices have been
extensively revised with a number of new discoveries being
listed. Further archival information has been included, and
numerous new illustrations have been added.
* * * *
Issues of Stamp News Australasia are available to read for free online 6
months after publication date.
Do you collect Tasmania?
The Tasmanian Philatelic Society has a homepage worth while to visit.
“ A Bulletin Board devoted to all aspects of Tasmanian Philately and
Postal History. Hosted by the Tasmanian Philatelic Society “-
www.tps.org.au”, http://tps.org.au/bb/
Publication Price*: $150 from 20 Sep 2021
Available: November 2021
184 pages
Full colour
Rarity ratings, all currently known postal stationery listed and illustrated
Top-quality binding, hard cover, dust jacket, stitched binding. A4 size.
This book aims to present all that is currently known about Tasmanian postal stationery.
It covers the period up to (and sometimes beyond) the transfer of powers to the
Commonwealth in 1912. The authors have half a lifetime of experience between them
of collecting, researching and exhibiting Tasmanian Postal Stationery. The Groom
“Printed to Private Order” exhibit achieved Large Gold and Best-in-class at Sydney
2019 . Both authors have published articles on various aspects of Tas Postal Stationery
over the years.
*A $10 discount is available to paid-up members of the Tasmanian Philatelic Society
and Postal Stationery Society of Australia
The book contains commentaries and listings for post cards, envelopes issued by the
post office, registered envelopes, stamped to order stationery, reply cards, letter cards
and wrappers.
Each section commences with a history of the category. As well as the stationery items
themselves, the book presents essays and proofs, specimen overprints and official
punctures, printing details where known, earliest and latest dates of use and
assessments of rarity. The book is profusely illustrated.
The authors have attempted to settle some points of contention, differing in some
cases from previous publications. Post Office reports to Parliament have been applied
to estimate usage over thirty years, which is presented along with other evidence to
support new conclusions.
The wrappers and stamped to order sections include comprehensive comments and
images of the businesses that adapted the stationery for their purposes. These two
sections offer a rare historical insight into the final twenty years of Tasmania’s
nineteenth century.
This work will be of interest to postal stationery collectors, postal historians and to
those with a general interest in Tasmanian history.
To place your order, visit the BOOK ORDERS page.
Published by the Tasmanian Philatelic Society