About us
The Sammlerring Australia e.V. (Registered Society) is a working and
research association. It was founded on September 27th, 1986 in
Düsseldorf, Germany.
We are a Registered Society, recorded at Hamburg. Currently, we have 35
members (including those in Australia). We are politically and
confessionally neutral.
The aim:
The purpose of our association is to form a community of philatelic
collectors specialising in Australia, and to promote research and cataloguing.
Within the association, there are individual study teams that deal with all aspects of Australian philately and
cultivate contacts and exchanges with each other.
Our members participate in competitive exhibitions to show our work to a wider public
What we do:
The purpose of our association is to form a community of philatelic collectors specialising
in Australia, and to promote research and cataloguing. Within the association, there are
individual study teams that deal with all aspects of Australian philately and cultivate
contacts and exchanges with each other. Our members participate in competitive
exhibitions to show our work to a wider public.
Our goals:
United we stand! A single individual may know much – many know more. Our goal is to
record the knowledge of our members and make it available to all the others, as well as to
the public. Not knowing something is not a fault – we want to establish a forum where
each and everyone can share the knowledge of more experienced collectors and receive
helpful and collegial assistance. Generally, we strive to stimulate and cultivate contacts
among collecters of Australian philatelic materials.
What we offer:
The Australia Collectors Circle publishes a newsletter, the “Bumerang“ (in German) at
regular intervals. It contains results of the study teams' or individual members' work, which
are presented for discussion. We regularly provide circulating packets and group offers
that help our members to enlarge and complete their collections on the one hand, and
permit them on the other to pass on duplicates and supporting documents to those who
can make good use of them. We foster cooperation with other societies, in particular
those with common interests and related topics. We offer advice for building up collections
to exhibition readiness. At present, our annual dues amount to 30 €, 20,00 € for the newsletter as pdf - file.
© Copyright Sammlerring Australia e.V. 2018